The announcement by the State Administration of Cultural Heritage on the First List of National Archaeological Site Parks-Excerpt
Release Time:2010-10-08
To all departments of cultural heritage of provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities,
To foster site protection and regulate the construction of archaeological site parks, the State Administration of Cultural Heritage has organized an evaluation on national archaeological site parks in line with the Management Methods on National Archaeological Site Parks (Trial) and Evaluation Rules of National Archaeological Site Parks. All applicants are initially evaluated, investigated, and scored on the locale and then evaluated by experts.
According to the result, 12 projects are included in the list of the initial national archaeological site parks, including the Jinsha Site project.
Your department is required to guide related unites to carry out the construction of archaeological site parks, to improve the management level and to practically enhance protection, studies, exhibition, and utilization of sites according to laws and regulations.
Hereby to notify this.
State Administration of Cultural Heritage
Oct. 9, 2010