Experience China series-Mexico Station

The Mayan Civilization in Mesoamerica has left the world with a myriad of surprises and mysteries. Nowadays, people still marvel at their architectural masterpieces , advanced math knowledge, developed astronomical undserstanding, and innovative calendar systems,


Even though the ancient Shu culture and Maya civilization originated from places thousands of miles apart, the two share many similarities. For example, they both paid awe to nature and greatly emphasized sacrificial activities. As a result,  they had both created mysterious and eccentric sacrificial artifacts.


To help audiences get a closer look at the two cultures. The event 2018 Experience China Countries in Central and North America the Week of Sichuan came to one of the cradles of Mayan civilization. In the Yucatan Peninsula, the two will claim renewed splendor through exhibitions and academic seminars.


Special Exhibition The Mysterious Ancient Shu Civilization


Live performance the opening ceremony 


On July 7th, the special exhibition Mysterious Ancient Shu Civilization opened to the local public. The president of INAH, the minister of the Yucatan Cultural Department, and the mayor of Merida gave the opening addresses.

The exhibition includes graphics and multi-media interactions. With the help of virtual reality (VR) technology, visitors can have a more comprehensive understanding of the ancient Shu cultures.



The vice director of Jinsha Site Museum Mr. Zhu Zhangyi help the guests with the exhibition


The academic seminar

Scholars and experts from China and Mexico discussed topics such as the excavation and preservation of relics, the spirtual similarites between the ancient Shu and Maya culture, and etc.
